HP to kW conversion: Mesan Tower
Estimated intitial cost:$
Motor kW: (use converter below)
Tower 2
Estimated intitial cost:$
Motor kW: (use converter below)
Operating hours per day:
Cooling days per year:
Electricity cost:
For constant speed operation
Mesan Tower
Tower #2
Energy cost per year:
Energy savings per year:
Savings over a 15-year period:
Initial cost difference:
Payback period:
Tower #2
Energy cost per year:
Energy savings per year:
Savings over a 15-year period:
Initial cost difference:
Payback period:
Energy savings per year:
Savings over a 15-year period:
Initial cost difference:
Payback period:
For VFD operation
Mesan Tower
Energy cost per year:
Energy savings per year:
Savings over a 15-year period:
Initial cost difference:
Payback period:
Calculations are based on an average motor speed of 60% for both towers
Energy cost per year:
Energy savings per year:
Savings over a 15-year period:
Initial cost difference:
Payback period:
Energy savings per year:
Savings over a 15-year period:
Initial cost difference:
Payback period:
Calculations are based on an average motor speed of 60% for both towers
NOTE: Results are provided for illustration purposes only, and do not include adjustments for inflation, maintenance costs, or variations in the cost of electricity over the life of the equipment.